Monday, January 29, 2007

tasty Eurotrash eye candy!

My beloved Mondonico is back. She looks like a new woman! The black, rattle-can paint job is gone, and she now has proper decals and a lovely, new copper outfit. This bike has never had a propper name. We were thinking Penny or Ginger. What do you think?


Chris said...

Very nice! I vote for Isabella. She is Italian.

chatterbox said...

Yeah, maybe the name should be Italian. Pondering....

Lorri Lee Lown -- velogirl said...

you name your bikes?

chatterbox said...

Yeah, when you get to have too many, you have to keep them straight.

For a while, the boy and I had matching blue Y-foils. He got his first, and we named it YAIB - an acronym for "Y am I blue". Then, I later got one that was lighter in color, so we named it YAIBette. Yeah, we're dorks. That's the sort of thing computer geeks do for fun.