Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Kittens in our back yard

One of the ferral neighborhood cats appears to have had a batch o' kittens. They also appear to be spending an inordinate amount of time in our back yard. Momma is a grey-striped beauty. Babies 1 & 2 are grey-striped, but lighter. A 3rd looks like a Siamese (cream with little grey paws). Cyclistrick is deathly allergic, which means they shouldn't even be in the yard (because apparently the fecal matter can be dangerous to someone who is deathly allergic). Anyone want to come kitten shopping in our back yard? No resume or pre-requisites required!


marscat said...

if they're black....ov might be knocking on your door

EB said...

You're a stronger woman than I. I am powerless against kittencharm.

chatterbox said...

marscat - yes, I was thinking of OV, but I haven't seen any black ones.

panda - I used to be unable to resist the kitten charms. But, now I am unable to resist the husband charms, and the two are mutually exclusive :(

Chris said...

They may leave on their own but they probably won't. You may have to relocate them to your neighbor's yard late at night.

Or box them up and take them to your next race. It seems like there are a lot of cat lovers in the NorCal racing community.

Itinerant Rick said...

Chris - ummm, how does she get them boxed and to a race, in our closed vehicles, without either risking me having an attack immediately, or leaving detritus (hair, dander, etc.) that will cause an attack later?

There are reasons I had to give up my career in Zoology, mostly revolving around health and esp. the allergies. I once had to be rushed in patrol car to a hospital from our research lab, and had a number of encounters that were close to disabling or life threatening. Another colleague had to be airlifted out of an area and almost lost his eyesite due to contamination traced to feral cat droppings in the area he worked. Serious stuff.

Velo Bella said...

wow...thats some allergy.

You'd never make it on our "street" as our neighbor has about 8 or so barn cats running around.

You might call some local rescue agency (not a shelter). Many of them are overwhelmed this time of year, but considering the allergy, they might make your kitties a priority. If they can catch mommy, they'll neuter and release her.

By the way, if you bring pre-weaned kittens into a shelter (sans mommy) they will euthanize them because they don't have the resources to deal with it.

chatterbox said...

vb - thanks for the suggestion. I didn't want to call a shelter knowing they'd be euthanized :(. But, I hate to think of the band of kittens running around unchecked and multiplying several more times over - especially with cyclistrick's ability to go all anaphylaxis and stuff.

Kimberly (aka. DrKim) said...

if you think you can hang on a few weeks...they will be weaned and then a rescue place might take them. Or look for no-kill shelters...there are a few although often full.

good luck with those kitteeezzz. Baby cats are so darn cute! said...

protect your man!

but, i love the kitties...


chatterbox said...

I think they are about 3-4 weeks right now. So, they probably will be weaned in a few weeks. They haven't been around the last couple days. Maybe the neighbors have taken them in. I hope so!