Monday, March 29, 2010

coming along nicely

The fitness is starting to come up now. My recovery is better, and I am stronger. I'm going to race the Altamont TTT with Sue, Katie and Marsha on Saturday. It should be a good test of fitness and teamwork. Then, I get to taper down and work on endurance with a little time in Europe. But, I will also be building power while lugging around bags and such on my bike - got to remember to climb out of the valley and up to some castles. I'll be storming into the 2nd half of the season ready to roar. Can't wait. I'm hoping my new TT bike comes in before my next race (Sunol), so I have a chance to race it at least once before Sattley.

I've been doing some super-secret pursuit/sprint training at the adjunct parking lot of Great America. That has been a good spot for me to really focus and relax on my efforts. Unfortunately, a security guard threw us out yesterday. Fortunately, I had already finished my efforts and was just cooling down. He told us it was City of Santa Clara orders not to ride in the parking lot. Conveniently, he ignored the fact that the parking lot is the signed "Bike Route" between the San Tomas Aquino trail and the ACE Train station. I guess I will need to move my super-secret training to hours when Great America is not in operation. Sigh.

I guess I need to get better about writing in the blog. Or not. We shall see if the mood strikes....


Lorri Lee Lown -- velogirl said...

new bike? whatcha getting?

chatterbox said...

Getting an Ellsworth. Yay. Got to get a legal setup and all for when I get to nats someday!